Denmark, dismissing Covid, opens up for music mentoring

Denmark, dismissing Covid, opens up for music mentoring


norman lebrecht

February 03, 2022

As of this week, the Danes have abolished all Covid restrictions – no facemasks, no crowd limits, no tests.

Two international music schemes have immediately been announced.

Fabio Luisi at the Malko Conducting Competition in Copenhagen has put out a call for musicians aged 18 to 25 to come and get mentored at his Academy.

And Nikolaj Znaider at the Nielsen Competition in Odense (pictured) has launched Espansiva Academy – ‘a new mentoring programme, specifically designed to offer industry insight through talks, workshops and one-to-one personal conversations for the contestants at appropriate moments during the 11 days of the Competition.’

Get in there.


  • _ G says:

    Forget “The New Normal”. It’s high time we GET back to normal like Denmark is.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Sensible, sensible people.

  • Dennis Pastrami says:

    What a dystopian move by Denmark! Covid is a grave threat to our society. Is now really the time to be science denying by playing music?

  • John Kelly says:

    Get enough people vaccinated (>80%) and you can do this. I don’t think they’re “dismissing” Covid. They’re moving ahead with it at a tolerable risk level given their level of immunity from infection and vaccination. And for those interested, infection does not give as robust antibodies as vaccination, and yes, you can get Covid multiple times. And great to see Maestro Luisi back in business, one of my favorite conductors who I miss at the Met.

    • Let's have a new normal says:

      The vaccine won’t work for everyone. Since the start of the pandemic there has been greater understanding of the plight of immunosuppressed individuals who will continue to be at risk of COVID, and sometimes ordinary colds and flus. The least we can do for them is continue mask mandates and social distancing, and embrace streaming of concerts instead of packing people into petri dish concert halls.

      • Greg says:

        Are those immunosuppressed completely devoid of sense of their own responsibility? Why do you feel we need to babysit them? They perfectly can just not go to the concert hall, as a result of their own decision. According to your logic public transport also should be done in a streaming manner, you just watch bus go by on a TV. Very safe!

      • Anthony Sayer says:

        Stay hidden behind your sofa and re-emerge in forty years.

        • Amos says:

          Consider staying in your living room until further notice.

          • Anthony Sayer says:

            If you’re frightened of covid, it’s your problem. Many of us are not.

          • Amos says:

            Ignorance really is bliss then. More to the point you have no inherent right to infect others by opting to be careless. I sincerely hope you don’t wind up like those who once they are in the ICU wish that they and their neighbors had behaved responsibly.

          • HugoPreuß says:

            And many of you will get sick from it, and some of you will need a hospital, and a few of you will die from it. Happy prospects for the future. Denial of scientific evidence *always* pays big dividends.

    • _ G says:

      CDC, as much as they can be trusted about anything, released a study two weeks showing that natural immunity is more effective than the jabs are.

      • Amos says:

        Keep that disinformation coming. Every CDC study has demonstrated that neutralizing Ab levels (titers) in fully vaccinated individuals is ~ 50X higher than those simply infected with COVID. As of today the % of Danes fully vaccinated is ~ 53%. Given the number of cellular immunology experts in Denmark it is astounding that they haven’t opted to speak out against the insanity of throwing caution to the wind with so few people vaccinated. Travel to and from Denmark will exacerbate the generation of new variants.

        • John Kelly says:

          Everything you say is correct except the vaccination percentage in Denmark is 81% fully vaccinated according to the Reuters tracker

        • Greg says:

          This is not disinformation. Recent Israeli study stated that chance of breakthrough infections is 13 times less for those who had covid compared to vaccinated. Vaccination is still very important for immunosuppressed and the elderly but you shouldn’t label disinformation everything that questions what have been done during the pandemic. We simply have more data now and a lot of it is still emerging.

          • Amos says:

            As usual, you site 1 number from the summary of 1 study and draw universal conclusions. The groups in these studies were all well controlled EXCEPT for age with those > 60 years of age!

          • Greg says:

            Only one study? Ok, here you go, new study just released by American CDC, along the same lines:
            29 times lower cases for natural immunity vs. only 6.2 lower for vaccine induced in California, and in New York 14.7 vs 4.5

          • Amos says:

            As always details matter. In addition, is the issue of surviving the initial infection if you are not vaccinated and including vaccinated individuals before they received boosters. The conclusions are the same, you are safest by receiving all 3 doses of the vaccine:

            Compared to COVID-19 case rates among unvaccinated people without a previous COVID-19 infection, case rates were nearly 6 times (California) and nearly 5 times (New York) lower among vaccinated people without a previous COVID-19 infection; 29 times (California) and nearly 15 times (New York) lower among unvaccinated people with a previous infection; and nearly 33 times (California) and nearly 20 times (New York) lower among vaccinated people with a previous COVID-19 infection.

            This second set of case numbers collected in October – after delta spread – found that people who were vaccinated and not previously infected had higher rates of infection than those who were unvaccinated and previously infected.

            But it’s important to take into account the timing of this study. The CDC notes that “infection-derived protection,” or natural immunity, was higher after the delta variant became predominant, a time when “vaccine-induced immunity” declined for many people. The CDC did not expand booster shot eligibility for all adults until Nov. 19, more than one month after the second set of data was collected.

            Experts highlight one constant throughout both data sets: Case rates were lowest among vaccinated groups.

            Dr. Erica Pan, state epidemiologist for the California Department of Public Health, told VERIFY data in the report “clearly shows that vaccination provides the safest protection against COVID-19 and additional protection for individuals who have had a prior infection.”

            “In addition, it shows that people who remain unvaccinated are at the greatest risk of hospitalization and death,” Pan wrote in a statement.

            Other studies show similar results on natural immunity and vaccines

            Other studies have also shown that natural immunity from a prior COVID-19 infection is effective at preventing reinfection, but natural immunity combined with the COVID-19 vaccine can offer even more protection against the virus.

          • Amos says:

            Sorry, I meant to add that the most recent CDC analysis demonstrates that the unvaccinated, are ~ 100X more likely to wind up hospitalized with COVID vs. their vaccinated cohorts. After 2 years the evidence is clear that virtually everyone in the US has been infected at least once with “natural” COVID. Last, I don’t have the statistics but there are numerous instances of “normal healthy” individuals in the hospital with COVID who were infected “naturally” on more than 1 occasion.

        • Greg says:

          And talking of disinformation – Denmark has 81% fully vaccinated, 61% with boosters.

  • Alexandranowak says:

    18 to 25…. why the age discrimination? What happens when a musician graduates at 26 or 30? Is this receiving public funds? This has to end.

  • Nick says:

    Kudos to Denmark!