Exclusive: What to do if your music director is sleeping with a player
NewsWe bring you, hot off the presses, a confidential addendum to the newly signed agreement between Local 802, representing the musicians, and New York City Ballet. The wording is clearly intended to be the new industry standard. Please try to read it with a straight face.
This letter memorializes the following agreements between Local 802 and the New York City Ballet:
1. The document titled “Code of Conduct, Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Complaints”, which is attached to this letter and incorporated by reference herein, shall apply to all musicians of the Orchestra and to all artistic staff, including the Music Director and all conductors.
2. The parties agree that a potential conflict of interest (or appearance of conflict of interest) may arise in the event the Music Director enters into or has entered into a romantic, sexual, or marital relationship with a musician of the Orchestra (a “Related Musician”). To remedy such potential conflict, the following shall apply throughout the tenure of the Music Director whenever such a relationship exists at any time during that tenure:
a. In the event the Music Director and the Related Musician both serve on an
Audition Committee for a vacancy in any section, a hiring decision shall require a
supermajority that includes at least two (2) musician votes. In addition, no
discussion shall be permitted during the audition rounds.
Following each audition for which the Music Director and the Related Musician
have served on the same Audition Committee, upon the request of either party,
the parties will discuss the effectiveness of the foregoing arrangement. Any
changes to the policy will be agreed upon in writing.
b. The Music Director shall not favor the Related Musician over other musicians
with respect to the Related Musician’s interactions with colleagues.
c. Neither the Music Director nor the Related Musician shall make the final decision
in the engagement of substitutes in the Related Musician’s section. Such decisions
shall continue to be made by the Personnel Manager.
d. If serving in a titled position, the Related Musician will have no involvement in
matters of seating or rotation.
e. The Music Director will have no involvement in matters of seating or rotation in
the Related Musician’s section.
f. The Music Director shall be relieved of any and all supervisory duties with
respect to the Related Musician. All day to day matters of concern in the pit that
involve the Related Musician, including but not limited to attendance,
communication, interaction with colleagues and pit related logistical issues, will
be handled by David Titcomb for resolution and, to the extent necessary, by
Brooks Parsons.
g. Issues regarding musical or artistic matters involving the Related Musician will be
handled by Andrews Sill, Associate Music Director. In the event that Mr. Sill has
a potential conflict of interest as a result of his spouse’s engagement as a
substitute viola player, the matter shall be handled by Jonathan Stafford, NYCB
Artistic Director.
h. Solo assignments should follow the established practice of using principal players
for chamber or quartet work, and Andrews Sill, the Associate Music Director,
would decide on exceptions to that practice.
i. In the event other issues arise in the workplace as a result of the relationship
between the Music Director and the Related Musician, the parties will
expeditiously meet and confer to address the problem. Unresolved disputes may
be submitted by either party to arbitration pursuant to the terms of the CBA.