Ruth Leon recommends…Rembrandt – National Gallery 10-minute Talk

Ruth Leon recommends…Rembrandt – National Gallery 10-minute Talk

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

December 29, 2021

Rembrandt – National Gallery 10-minute Talk
Click here to watch

Bart Cornelis, Curator of Dutch and Flemish paintings, 1600-1800, discusses Rembrandt’s ‘A Woman Bathing in a Stream’. I love that Cornelis seems slightly embarrassed, not by the painting, but by the subject of the painting. Cornelis is a world expert on Rembrandt and has no reason to be embarrassed by the naked women in this painting and in the source material about the nymph Callisto and I’m sure he’s not but he looks embarrassed and I find that rather endearing.

I learn so much from these short videos. This one, about Rembrandt, reveals how he painted it. Thank you, Bart, I didn’t know that before.

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  • John Borstlap says:

    In 17C Amsterdam, in spite of all the canals around, the drains left much to be wished for.