Lang Lang launches his wife’s ‘calming’ album

Lang Lang launches his wife’s ‘calming’ album


norman lebrecht

December 06, 2021

The Chinese superstar is much in evidence at the launch of a debut album by his wife, the Korean-German pianist Gina Alice Redlinger.

She has told a press conference that her husband and her father were in attendance while she made the recording over 14 days in China.

‘I really wanted to bring classical music into the daily lives of everyone,” she said. ‘Our lives are so busy every day and everyone is always running from one appointment to another, from work to another. So I hope my album is a good friend who accompanies us through life and also (can be listened to) when we want to have our own calm time, while delivering us into our own dream world. When we listen to it, we can be connected to ourselves and also be connected to other people through the music … I recorded many different emotions in the music.’



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