The lights are going out: Dresden shuts for six days

The lights are going out: Dresden shuts for six days


norman lebrecht

November 19, 2021

The Saxon State Opera and the Dresden State Theater have shut until November 24th. ‘The incalculable infection situation which threatens all parts of the population forces us temporarily to stop playing,’ said Semperoper director Peter Theiler.

Rehearsals will continue.


  • bet says:

    Who knew, over the summer, when everything in Europe was open, that there were European anti-vaxxers?

    Know what the difference between the US and Europe?

    Anti-vaxxers in the US are in red states that have no operas and symphonies, so there is nothing to shut down, and red states wouldn’t shut down anyway even if 1/2 their population drop dead, they’d go to their grave denying Covid.

    In Europe, anti-vaxxers are equally distributed, as opera houses and symphony halls are equally distributed.

  • Lausitzer says:

    To be followed by an official order…

    Two ministers state that all theatres etc. in Saxony will be closed as of Monday. No information yet for how long this order will be in place:

    “Wie Sozialministerin Petra Köpping sagte, werden Kultur- und Freizeiteinrichtungen ab Montag komplett geschlossen.”

    “Ab Montag sind Klubs, Theater, Kultureinrichtungen, Sporteinrichtungen geschlossen. Es wird auch keine Weihnachtsmärkte geben. Martin Dulig sächsischer Wirtschaftsminister”

    “Weitere Informationen folgen.”

    “Stand: 19. November 2021, 19:50 Uhr”

  • Achim Mentzel says:

    Regrettable. It’s all down to these AfD anti-vaccination idiots whose birdbrains are too small to understand what they are doing with their so-called “protest”.

  • Frank Flambeau says:
