Cleveland Orchestra loses its weekend to Covid

Cleveland Orchestra loses its weekend to Covid


norman lebrecht

November 15, 2021

Both of the Cleveland Orchestra’s concerts this weekend were called off after a performer tested positive for COVID-19.

Patrons are being asked to donate their tickets.



  • henry williams says:

    we have to live with this virus.
    it ruins everything

    • Amos says:

      The solution to the problem is simple, get vaccinated. As long as people, like the high-profile Berkley grad, opt to follow the advice of uninformed podcast hosts rather than medical experts the problem(s) will persist. The more and longer that the virus persists in society the worse the consequences.

      • Althea T-H says:

        You seem completely unaware that vaccination does not preclude infection and transmission – especially when immunity starts to wane noticeably, 5 or 6 months after the second injection.

        I thought that this was common knowledge. The newspapers have been covering this aspect of vaccination for the last year.

        This is one of the reasons why vaccinated individuals need to wear masks where possible, and to exercise care with regard to ventilation.

        Other individuals – such as this performer, perhaps – may not have been eligible for a booster injection.

        People really need to stop making the simplistic assumption that everyone who goes down with Covid is unvaccinated. The facts don’t bear this out.

        • Amos says:

          It is common knowledge that the risk of hospitalization is ~ 40 higher for unvaccinated individuals than those with 2 doses and the titer of virus among those subsequently exposed is significantly lower in fully vaccinated individuals. It is also common knowledge that eradicating a virus only occurs when ~ 90% of individuals in society are vaccinated because the virus fails to replicate. As long as ~ 1/3 of Americans refuse to get vaccinated the problem will never end and eventually a new variant will emerge that completely evades detection and clearance by the current Ab repertoire. The only reason that the poliovirus was eradicated was that EVERYONE lined up to be vaccinated.

        • Monsoon says:

          The vaccine substantially reduces the chances of hospitalization. All of the data shows this — there is no debate.

          The reason everyone needs to be vaccinated is to prevent our hospital system from becoming overwhelmed and running out of beds, especially ICU beds.

          As we saw this summer with the Delta variant spike, not only did hospitals throughout the nation run out of beds because they had so many sick COVID patients, but people who needed treatments and surgery for other ailments had to wait until beds opened up, such as people needing cancer treatments.

      • J Barcelo says:

        If you keep up with the data it’s becoming clear: the vaccines are not as effective as we had hoped or were promised. I know three people who have gotten sick with Covid and were vaccinated and had the booster. The vaccines seem to lower the need for hospitalization and reduce the death rate, but the number of “breakthrough” cases is quite troubling.

      • Karl says:

        The people at my workplace who had covid were vaccinated. One third of the people in the hospital in my state are vaccinated.

  • For what it’s worth, the entire weekend wasn’t cancelled, it was the third and fourth performances of a four-concert run. I was there for the Thursday performance, where Tom Borrow made an impressive debut with Ravel’s Concerto in G.

  • ken says:

    Get your shots, folks !

  • richterscale says:

    A frame of reference one way or other—everybody in the Cleveland Orchestra is fully vaccinated.

    • Gus says:

      Half of Tubingen Bach Choir 75 participants have been infected with C19. No serious cases of hospitalisation.

      All had been vaccinated.

    • Amos says:

      That is superb but not everyone they come in contact with is and that risks the further spread of the virus. The vaccine is necessary and sufficient to keep ~ 90-95% of individuals out of the hospital. It will only eradicate the disease when ~ 90% of the population in the entire country gets vaccinated.

    • perturbo says:

      Also, the audience members must either show their vaccination card or a negative test result obtained within 72 hours of the concert. Audience members wear masks.

    • perturbo says:

      Audience members must display their vaccination cards or bring proof of a recent negative COVID test. Audience members must be masked as well.

  • Karl says:

    We have had 4 people at my workplace test positive for covid. One woman had no symptoms and no idea that she had it. Close contacts get sent home for a week. I will not get tested. I don’t want to know if I have it. I could be covid Karl spreading death and disease everywhere I go!

  • Sisko24 says:

    I’m beginning to greatly regret the multiple chances I had to fly into Cleveland to hear them play at Severance. Because this disease is turning out to be quite virulent and unrelenting; it may be a long while before I’ll be able to confidently fly and travel merely to attend a Cleveland Orchestra concert. I feel somewhat the same for my hometown orchestra’s concerts (NY Phil) at Lincoln Center.

    • NYMike says:

      As a NYer, you must know that audience members at all venues are required to show proof of C19 vax and wear masks. Performers are also required to be vaxed.

  • Snark Shark says:

    The hysteria must go on, but the show musn’t.