Zurich cleaned up during Covid

Zurich cleaned up during Covid


norman lebrecht

July 06, 2021

Here’s a first image of the Tonhalle, due to reopen for concerts in September after the Covid hiatus. They put the closure to good use with a total Swiss cleanup.

Paavo Järvi is the music director. Alondra de la Parra will conduct the New Year’s gala.


  • John Borstlap says:

    Beautiful hall.

    • Gustavo says:

      Conventional program.

      Brahms 1
      Beethoven 3
      Sibelius 2

      Carmina burana

      • John Borstlap says:

        Are they not good pieces? Is good music conventional? Is adventurous programming by definition better for being adventurous? There is everything FOR programming lesser known music, but that does not mean that programming Brahms, Beethoven and Sibelius is conventional. Lazy, maybe, but only in relation to programming, not to the music.

  • Gustavo says:

    Reopening with Mahler 3.

    O Mensch! Gib Acht!

  • fflambeau says:

    Does the hall smell of vinegar? If not, it is not Swiss clean.

  • Couperin says:

    de la Parra??? Ugh, what a shame..

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    It was all going so well until that last sentence.