Just in: Australia calls off rest of opera season

Just in: Australia calls off rest of opera season


norman lebrecht

July 16, 2021

Message from Opera Australia:

Due to the extension of the NSW Government’s stay-at-home restrictions and subsequent Health Orders, we’re sadly unable to proceed with the remainder of our winter season at the Sydney Opera House. This includes our productions of Aida, Attila and Otello.
Each production is being postponed to a future season, so audiences will have an opportunity to see these wonderful pieces on stage and enjoy the extraordinary work of our artists.

Affected customers will be contacted about their options, and we thank everybody for their ongoing support.

Triste, and desolation.


  • Paul Dawson says:

    Congratulations, NL, you’ve beaten their website, which is still showing performances taking place.

    Does anyone know if this is Sydney-only? I have Ring tickets for Brisbane in November, although I doubt that travel restrictions will permit attendance.

  • European says:

    This is what you get when you apply the “zero Covid” strategy without massively vaccinating at the same time… (only 10,2% Australians are fully vaccinated as of today). Really smart…!

  • RW2013 says:

    Worth repeating –
    912 Covid deaths in total in Australia, 56 of those in New South Wales.


    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      And of those the VAST majority over 70.

      • Jake Thonis says:

        Of course this is only because Australia has some of the strictest protective lockdown measures in place. Low vaccination rate for younger people means a very precarious situation

  • justin says:

    That’s what happens when your only strategy to contain the pandemic was to keep everyone out of your country, including your own citizens, but fail to simultaneously have a vaccination program for those who are within the bubble.

    So what happened? One unvaccinated taxi driver picked up one Indian flight crew from the airport, he got infected with the Indian variant, and because general population is also not vaccinated, the rest is history….

    When you isolate your country from the rest of the world, it’s all fine, until one infected person gets through the bubble, and all your vulnerable population is fucked.

    Isolationism doesn’t work. Vaccination does.

    • Hayne says:

      Let’s accept the story about the taxi driver. Was he treated in the early phase? This is extremely important.

    • Glass Houses says:

      I’m sorry, how many new cases in the UK today?

      • Jake Thonis says:

        Yeah, vaccination does not entirely prevent infection but it does prevent most severe infections

      • Saxon says:

        The aim of the vaccination programme is not to stop people getting Covid (which is pretty much impossible), but to stop people becoming seriously ill once they have it. The vaccination programme in Britain has been very successful since the link between getting Covid and getting seriously ill has been pretty much broken (there are very low rates of serious illness amongst the vaccinated despite the high Covid rates).

        This means we can largely open up and stop worrying about the Covid restrictions once most medium and high risk people have been vaccinated. (Low risk people largely won’t get seriously ill anyway, so it is much less important that they get vaccinated).

  • Randy Pepperoni says:

    A good choice. Classical music is a dangerous activities. We shouldn’t do anything that could cost lives, especially the lives of our grandmas.

    • Saxon says:

      Nonsense. We can not stay at home and isolated for the rest of our lives. Sooner-or-later we are going to have to accept that there are small risks from most activities, and get back to living.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Same tired old fare for Opera Australia.
