There will be girls in the choir at the Pope’s favourite church

There will be girls in the choir at the Pope’s favourite church


norman lebrecht

June 16, 2021

Pope Benedict XVI spent much of his pre-Papal career in Regensburg, where his brother  George was conductor of the renowned Regensburger Domspatzen. That all-boys’ choir was found to have been a hub of sexual and physical abuse of more than 500 children .

The Regensburger Domspatzen has now decided to admit girl scholars from the start of the school year 2022/23.

Father Georg Ratzinger died last summer.

Sic transeunt harmoniae mundi.



  • Andreas B. says:


    The Regensburger Domspatzen will remain an all-boys’ choir.

    However, the choir’s schools -private ‘Grundschule’ and ‘Gymnasium’ – will be open to girls.

    Also, there are plans for a new cathedral girls’ choir, in addition to the Domspatzen.

  • fflambeau says:

    You do realize there are 2 popes now.

  • msc says:

    “Harmonia” (singular), or “transeunt” (plural).

  • John Borstlap says:

    I hear that the current pope has specially requested feminine presence at the choir in connection with a possible future visit of Regensburg, to lighten-up his environment, coming from a one-sided gendered Vatican.