Menahem Pressler comforts Zukerman’s students

Menahem Pressler comforts Zukerman’s students

Comment Of The Day

norman lebrecht

June 28, 2021

Reader’s Comment of the Day comes from the renowned pianist Menahem Pressler in response to Pinchas Zukerman’s verbal assault in a Juilliard masterclass on a pair of New York sisters of Asian origin:

It has been my very great privilege and honour to teach the two girls in question over several years at the Musica Mundi chamber masterclasses in Belgium and I have followed them closely ever since. They not only sing like angels but move me to tears each time I listen to them.

Apart from their great artistic gifts they are highly cultivated civilised multilingual human beings, mature beyond their years. I am glad to know that Juilliard reacted swiftly to remove the class from view and I hope these wonderful young artists will manage to put the experience behind them.


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