Just in: Glyndebourne sets up hardship fund for freelancers

Just in: Glyndebourne sets up hardship fund for freelancers


norman lebrecht

June 22, 2021

The summer opera festival is the first to acknowledge it cannot survive without self-starters – and to do something about it.

Here’s what they’re putting out.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been catastrophic for the performing arts, with the negative effects falling disproportionately on the sector’s freelance workers.

Sarah Hopwood, Managing Director of Glyndebourne, said: ‘Over the past 15 months, we have all become much more aware of the imbalance between performing arts companies and the freelancers who make up 70% of the theatre workforce. Glyndebourne will only survive and thrive if we can call on the skills and expertise of those people and we’re determined to play a part in helping to create a new, more equitable support structure for them. Whilst we can’t change the future for freelancers on our own, we can lead the way, so I am really delighted to announce the launch of the Glyndebourne Freelancer Fund.’

Details of the Glyndebourne Freelancer Fund will be developed during 2021 but the company has made a formal commitment to ring-fence funds equivalent to 10% of the value of its annual freelancer costs, to support its contracted freelancers in times of need.



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