BMW is driving these opera fans off the road
mainEverywhere we look, car makers are signing up opera houses.
Vienna belongs to Lexus.
Leipzig has Porsche.
Berlin – Barenboim’s house – is BMW.
And not everyone’s happy about the link-up. The editors of VAN, for instance:
…. Whether the drive-in cinema is a suitable format »to enable easier access to the opera world for a young audience«, as the State Opera and BMW frame their cooperation #BMWOPERANEXT, is more than questionable, even if the drive-in cinema, this bizarre relic of the 1960s, is in Lockdown experienced a minor revival. The »young audience«, who have their own car and enough money for a parking space ticket and also have the patience and dedication to be locked in a parking lot for several hours for an opera premiere, can probably be counted on one hand…
Read on here.
(My other one’s a Mini).