New job for Josh

New job for Josh


norman lebrecht

April 01, 2021

The US conductor Joshua Weilerstein has been named music director of the enterprising Phoenix Orchestra in Boston.

His stint as artistic director of the Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne ends in June.



  • Richard Noon says:

    Phoenix is a breath of fresh air in the Boston music scene, Weilerstein will take them to a new level. Looking forward to their concerts.

    • Rogerio says:

      By “breath of fresh air” do you mean the new skinny Maestro conducting the same old Beethoven while smiling as opposed to the previous plump Maestro conducting it with a face that conveyed quiet introspection?
      Because that’s about all the fresh air most concertgoers are going to notice.

  • Todd Hildwein says:

    Josh has a great Podcast….been listening to it for a number of years….most enlightening….

  • Bratsche brat says:

    Why is the Phoenix Orchestra moving to Boston? Too much sun in Arizona?