Masur man makes it in Ecuador

Masur man makes it in Ecuador


norman lebrecht

April 13, 2021

David Handel, former assistant conductor to Kurt Masur at the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, is the new music director of the Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Ecuador, in the capital, Quito.



  • fflambeau says:

    Masur was underrated.

    • Novagerio says:

      His assistants and his own conducting son seem however to be overrated…

      • fflambeau says:

        Ken-David Masur is well liked in Milwaukee and very popular. He’s also extremely talented, Novagero. Maybe you can tell us in your infinite wisdom exactly how and by whom he is overrated? I doubt we’ll hear from you.

        • Novagerio says:

          I can tell you this: It was sarcasm. Kurt Masur underrated?? Hello???

          Now, give me YOUR infinite wisdom and I’ll print it and read it seated in the smallest room in my house, and “leave it behind me” asap.

    • Sisko24 says:

      Yes, certainly the transformation he did with the NY Philharmonic was almost miraculous. The critics and the audience certainly didn’t underrate him for that. He did get some acoustic renovations done at Avery Fisher Hall (now called David Geffen Hall) which were and still are well received. His one failure in that regard is that the New York “powers that be” were too foolish to grant him his wish to get a pipe organ re-installed there. I believe if they had listened to him, the upcoming $500+ million dollar rebuild/renovation wouldn’t have been necessary. But alas, we’ll never know about that for sure.

  • David Macias-Huerta says:

    Ahora tenemos nuevo Presidente y un nuevo director de la Nacional. Excelente.