Leeds winner just won again

Leeds winner just won again


norman lebrecht

March 12, 2021

Eric Lu, 23, is among five winners of the prestigious $25k Avery Fisher grants.

The others are cellists Sterling Elliott and Oliver Herbert and violinists Geneva Lewis and Kevin Zhu.



  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Please, how about ‘has just won again’. The present perfect is needed here, however much it has been consigned to the dustbin in the USA.

    • RW2013 says:

      If you come here for correct grammar, spelling etc., dream on…
      Btw, whatever happened to those lovely old gentlemen, John Rook and Theodore McGuiver, who would write here so eloquently?

    • Peter San Diego says:

      The subjunctive has been consigned to the dustbin in the UK, while still maintaining a toehold in the US.
      Evolution in contrary motion…

  • Zandonai says:

    I heard Eric Lu’s recent Wigmore Hall recital of Schubert Sonata and was convinced this is a genuine talent.