Hilary Hahn’s Spanish composer dies at 87

Hilary Hahn’s Spanish composer dies at 87


norman lebrecht

March 18, 2021

The death has been announced of Antón Garcia Abril, a prolific composer of concert works and film scores for the Spanish movie industry.

He was head of composition at the royal conservatoire in Madrid for 31 years.


  • Ricardo says:

    🙁 His striking opening music for the Spanish TV program “El Hombre y la Tierra” (by the late and sadly missed Félix Rodriguez de la Fuente) was an important presence i my childhood.
    He wrote in a moderate but inventive language. The only time I was in the same room with him was back i 1988 in Santander, during a presentation of several Spanish composers who had written piano trio works in memory of Frederic Mompou.
    Rest i peace.

    • Diane B. says:

      Great “scholar” composer of contemporary music. His film’s music are adorable. I just love the way he got around the “problem” of actuel music by renewing a “post tonal” technic…

  • Thomas M says:

    RIP. Always loved the concert suite he extracted from his TV score “Monsignor Quixote”. He wrote in an attractive neo-romantic, Spanish-tinged idiom, and many of his works are available on disc.