Moscow latest: Berezovsky daughter is released

Moscow latest: Berezovsky daughter is released


norman lebrecht

February 01, 2021

Message from Evelyne Berezovsky:

To anyone who has followed the situation – thank you for your support and worry! I have been released with only a fine. However whether or not you were just passing by, active or not in the protests, the behaviour enforced by the Russian police is pretty shocking. I have thankfully been released, (most likely due to my dual nationality) , whereas the people I was locked up with, with similar statements, have all got 10-12 days in jail. Those people deserve a voice – I am a lucky and rare exception to the rule.
All ok over here – thanks again for all the support.



  • V.Lind says:

    More likely due to her dad being famous. But we must be grateful for small mercies, and she has spoken out for those who were not as fortunate. Sounds like a nice young woman. I suggest that she emigrate.

  • Alexander Toradze says:

    I’m expressing total support to great Boris Berezovsky and his talented family.

    • Guga Chkhikvadze says:

      Very Courageose of you to support them Maestro.
      Gergiev’s support of putin’s system reminds me of Khrenikov, Muradeli and other ungifted composers who supported Stalin’s regime and backstabbed composers like Shostakovich and Prokofiev.