Exclusive: Evgeny Kissin leads musicians’ protest against Putin’s oppression

Exclusive: Evgeny Kissin leads musicians’ protest against Putin’s oppression


norman lebrecht

February 10, 2021

A group of prominent Russian musicians, led by the international pianist, have issued a video calling for an end to illegal wars and human rights offences by the Russian government. The video went live in the last few hours. It was iniitated by the violinist Misha Nodelman.

Kissins says simply: ‘Stop the terror. Release Alexei Navalny and all political prisoners now.’

Watch the video and share widely. Russian media are not reporting this.

Send a copy to Valery Gergiev, orchestrator of Putin compliance among the musical professions.


  • A.L. says:

    Send a copy, too, to Putin apologists and Gergiev groupies Anna Netrebko and Denis Matsuev.

  • Jean says:

    Brave move.
    (I just added some Kissin albums to my shopping cart…)

  • V.Lind says:

    I believe he lives in Prague. I hope his co-signators also live outside Russia.

  • Mark (London) says:

    This is great . For years we had that Putin lackie and ass l**** Gergiev

  • Gragniani says:

    Well done! May many more follow his example. Shame on Putin lackey Gergiev!

  • french horn says:

    Well done ! What the Poutine’s boys (Gergiev, Matsuev ect …) have to say about it ?

  • Greg Bottini says:

    Gergiev, like Putin, is worth s**t.

  • JussiB says:

    I like Gergiev the conductor not the man. I would still go to his concerts. If I put the person over the artist I would not listen to Beethoven or Bellini at all…both bad people.
    Yes do send a copy to Anna and Mr. Netrebko.

  • Andrea Russell says:

    I’ve known for some time that Gergiev’s politics were very iffy so no thanx to him. As for Putin……..ugh. Brava Kissin.

  • Musician says:

    Wow. Nice to see what he actually looks like as opposed to the 40 year old publicity photos!

  • Boris says:

    I wish and hope that nothing bad happens to these brave voices and more people support them. Help you G-d.

  • Maria Ostroukhova says:

    Thank you for making it public. I am one of the musicians on the video. I get tons of hate, threats of sexual and physical violence, it’s hell on Earth. But I don’t regret anything. We need your support.