Conductor cancelled? We’ll play a one-minute symphony

Conductor cancelled? We’ll play a one-minute symphony


norman lebrecht

January 22, 2021

In the Dutch town of Hilversum, the Noord Nederlands Orkest had to cancel next Friday’s broadcast concert because conductor James Judd and soloist Daniel Kharitonov could not come to the Netherlands.

The Residentie Orkest has jumped in with conductor Jun Märkl and the world premiere of a ‘One Minute Symphony’ by a 25 year-old Italian composition student, Petra Cini.


  • Novagerio says:

    Well, better a 1-minute Concert than nothing…

  • Genius Repairman says:

    Does the conductor come with a one minute symphony as a package deal?

  • John Borstlap says:

    It is a small country, so the Dutch like small things. This confirms and boosts their national and cultural identity.