Diva move: Pretty Yende jumps ship

Diva move: Pretty Yende jumps ship


norman lebrecht

November 07, 2020

The brilliant South African soprano has joined Gianluca Macheda’s company for general management.

She was previously with Zemsky/Green who tied her in to a Sony Classical record deal.

Let’s see what happens now.

Macheda is based in Warsaw, Lucca and New York.



  • I wear my sunglasses at night. says:

    Pretty and Smart.

  • papageno says:

    Black Singers Matter

  • Has-been says:

    Gianluca is a good agent
    Alan Green is a good agent
    Why change deckchairs on the Titanic

  • Rosanna H. says:

    With all the halls closed and season cancellations, how will she or anybody on Macheda’s roster get any bookings again?

    Most singers are already broke with no future.