Azeri trolls target Armenian artist

Azeri trolls target Armenian artist


norman lebrecht

November 30, 2020

The New York pianist Kariné Poghosyan is, like most soloists, restricted to streaming her recitals online during Covid.

But her efforts in the past few weeks have been attacked by trolls who hacked her website and blocked her Facebook ads.

Kariné tells Slipped Disc:
My Facebook page was put on a partial block after one of my Armenia-related posts was reported as spam. Not only that, my website was hacked really badly. Since I have no concerts whatsoever due to the pandemic, literally the only place I do live playing is Facebook. But now because of this partial block, though I can still go live, I am not able to promote , share, or buy ads to get the livestream visible …

I was going to have a Carnegie hall concert right on Beethoven’s Birthday which of course was cancelled , so these four live-streams I had planned were going to in a way be substitute for that really special concert opportunity I lost.

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