Cologne blows a billion on opera

Cologne blows a billion on opera


norman lebrecht

October 29, 2020

The latest accounting on the renovation the shabby Cologne Opera building comes to 841 million Euros (=$).

The estimate approved in 2012 was 253 million. By the time they are finished the amount of public money spent will exceed one billion.


The kind of inflation usually kicks in with cultural building projects in Germany, which is why Munich is now having second thoughts about going ahead with the new concert hall it promised to the late Mariss Jansons. Judging by the political climate right now, the Munich concert hall won’t be happening any time soon.



  • fact check says:

    The Munich City Council is NOT debating about the new concert hall as this is built by the State of Bavaria, not the City of Munich. Just saying…

    • Andreas B. says:

      Also: “THE Munich concert hall” is misleading – there are TWO projects being planned:
      The BRSO concert hall (state of Bavaria) as well as Munich Phil’s Gasteig (City of Munich).

  • Joe McBreen says:

    Perhaps they need to take a wee lesson in making promotional videos from Longford celebrity Mossy Flood.

    This is real Longford talking to be sure.