Trifonov plays Carnegie Hall. In a mask
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I was excited to see if he was onstage playing to an empty hall.. surely would have been nice, albeit strange, to see. Instead he’s playing in a side room somewhere on a Fazioli. And then I remembered, the stage-Nazis at Carnegie would probably demand $75k each to simply “be on site” if he were to play in the hall.
Can’t even count the many ways that the term “stage-Nazis” is offensive. Can you really not find any other words to use in your (unnecessary) comment? Shame on you. You must really need attention.
Why should this be news?
Why be so ridiculous ? Is he afraid of contaminating his piano , the camera or the music ?
So sad …
And who are you to tell anybody they shouldn’t wear a mask around a full technical crew during the middle of a pandemic and then mock them? Are you afraid of doing something creative, yourself, with a piano, a camera, or the music? Why be so ridiculous? So sad…
He’s setting an example. A positive example. Something that all public persons should be doing.
Maybe there were camera men/women in the room?
Remember that the air system circulates air through many rooms, so there’s a chance he could inhale viral particles from others in the building. (I’m assuming that’s a practice room in Carnegie Hall, and that the video producer is in a nearby room — connected to the same air system.)
But with playing like that, who cares what he’s wearing?
These are reasonable, rational questions. Amazing to see them get so furiously downvoted. Apparently logic and reason get thrown out the window when an opportunity to virtue signal presents itself…
Uh, no, these are rhetorical questions signaling their own “virtue” to a politically different sub-audience. They are not particularly reasonable in a time when the pandemic is getting markedly worse in the U.S. and some other parts of the world due to people thinking they don’t need to follow safety guidelines.
I assume you saw multiple cameras moving. I also assume that you are mature enough to know that cameras don’t move by themselves.
Maybe. Robotic cameras are in use in many newsrooms around the world. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are also available there. But I do think he deserves kudos for wearing a mask and setting a good example whether he was alone or not.
Norman, if you have any say on the matter, please, PLEASE have Trump ads taken off of this site.
I’m getting inundated here, too.
They are an important part of my laughing routine, please, stay in Montréal and let me laugh of the orange man.
Some beautiful playing
A pleasure to listen to
I do agree with you
Beautiful Brahms by Emanuel Ax.