Trifonov plays Carnegie Hall. In a mask

Trifonov plays Carnegie Hall. In a mask


norman lebrecht

June 30, 2020

Watch now.

Right here.


  • Couperin says:

    I was excited to see if he was onstage playing to an empty hall.. surely would have been nice, albeit strange, to see. Instead he’s playing in a side room somewhere on a Fazioli. And then I remembered, the stage-Nazis at Carnegie would probably demand $75k each to simply “be on site” if he were to play in the hall.

    • NYCgirl says:

      Can’t even count the many ways that the term “stage-Nazis” is offensive. Can you really not find any other words to use in your (unnecessary) comment? Shame on you. You must really need attention.

  • Dave says:

    Why should this be news?


    Why be so ridiculous ? Is he afraid of contaminating his piano , the camera or the music ?
    So sad …

    • Carlos Kleiber says:

      And who are you to tell anybody they shouldn’t wear a mask around a full technical crew during the middle of a pandemic and then mock them? Are you afraid of doing something creative, yourself, with a piano, a camera, or the music? Why be so ridiculous? So sad…

    • Jerome Hoberman says:

      He’s setting an example. A positive example. Something that all public persons should be doing.

    • Josef says:

      Maybe there were camera men/women in the room?

    • Peter San Diego says:

      Remember that the air system circulates air through many rooms, so there’s a chance he could inhale viral particles from others in the building. (I’m assuming that’s a practice room in Carnegie Hall, and that the video producer is in a nearby room — connected to the same air system.)

      But with playing like that, who cares what he’s wearing?

    • Adista says:

      These are reasonable, rational questions. Amazing to see them get so furiously downvoted. Apparently logic and reason get thrown out the window when an opportunity to virtue signal presents itself…

      • Minnesota says:

        Uh, no, these are rhetorical questions signaling their own “virtue” to a politically different sub-audience. They are not particularly reasonable in a time when the pandemic is getting markedly worse in the U.S. and some other parts of the world due to people thinking they don’t need to follow safety guidelines.

  • HowTheWorldWorks says:

    I assume you saw multiple cameras moving. I also assume that you are mature enough to know that cameras don’t move by themselves.

    • Sisko24 says:

      Maybe. Robotic cameras are in use in many newsrooms around the world. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are also available there. But I do think he deserves kudos for wearing a mask and setting a good example whether he was alone or not.

  • Marc-André Hamelin says:

    Norman, if you have any say on the matter, please, PLEASE have Trump ads taken off of this site.

  • Unemployed Musician says:

    Some beautiful playing
    A pleasure to listen to

  • Ed says:

    Beautiful Brahms by Emanuel Ax.