New concertmaster in Manchester

New concertmaster in Manchester


norman lebrecht

May 01, 2020

The BBC Philharmonic have appointed Zoe Beyers as co-leader alongside Yuri Torchinsky.

South African bor, Zoe has guest-led both of the BBC’s main orchestras as well as the CBSO, the Philharmonia and others.

She teaches at the Birmingham Conservatoire.



  • Anon. says:

    Last time I checked the BBC has five orchestras, each one proving their worth and providing quality performances, educational work and more besides. I wasn’t aware that 3 of them were insignificant!

  • Derek says:

    Congratulations to Zoe Beyers, I think she is excellent.

    She has performed well with the CBSO for years.

  • john kelly says:

    That would be Boer rather than Bor………

  • ZoĆ« has served as the Leader (concertmaster) of the English Symphony Orchestra since 2017, a position she will continue in. We’re looking ahead to many more exciting concerts and recordings together as she adds this prestigious role with the Philharmonic to her list off accomplishments.

    Congrats to both Zoƫ and the BBC Philharmonic!

  • Janet Taplin says:

    Congratulations to Zoe. We were sorry to see her leave the CBSO

  • Anthony Mason says:

    I don’t understand why the CBSO didn’t offer her the post of Leader. Zoe seemed an almost permanent feature at Symphony Hall at one point and I’d suggest she was popular with audiences.

    • John says:

      Perceived popularity with audiences has never been a criterium for hiring in orchestras, and is therefore irrelevant to the hiring of Leader in both the CBSO and the BBC Philharmonic. In fact, it can be a gigantic red herring which can obscure the very difficult process of filling these key positions with the player who fits the best. The CBSO did see a lot of Zoe, that is correct – so presumably there were other factors at play as to why this appointment was not a fit there. Every orchestra is different, and I wish Zoe and the BBC Philharmonic all the best with this appointment.