Breaking: Westminster Cathedral’s music chief walks out

Breaking: Westminster Cathedral’s music chief walks out


norman lebrecht

January 07, 2020

The Diocese of Westminster has issued the following statement:

‘It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Martin Baker as Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral with effect from 31 December 2019. We take the opportunity to thank him for his dedication and service over the past two decades and wish him the very best in his future career’.

A second statement added: ‘Today the Diocese will start to address these new circumstances created by Mr Baker’s resignation. A further announcement will be made in the coming weeks.’

You can almost smell the shock and incense.

It is believed that Baker’s resignation is related to a recent controversy reported by Slipped Disc in which a group of choir school parents opposed changes to the boarding arragments, which would have meant the boys being collected on Fridays and returned on Sunday morning. The Diocese rejected their complaints.

The late Colin Mawby reported that Baker implored Cardinal Vincent Nichols not to proceed with the changes.

Baker backed the parents. Baker had to go.

More here.

UPDATE: We understand that Baker had not been seen at the Cathedral since mid-October. He wmissed all the Choir’s liturgies, as well as joint Evensong at Westminster Abbey and a Christmas Concert at Cadogan Hall. No reason was given. Now we know.



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