Just in: Lucerne Festival finds no harrassment

Just in: Lucerne Festival finds no harrassment


norman lebrecht

December 04, 2019

Here’s the result of a legal referral, following a complaint by a departing employee against the director, Michael Haefliger:


In response to the reproaches about harrassment which were mentioned in several media, we would like to inform you that the investigation of the Board of Trustees in cooperation with a lawyer who is specialised on labor law, has led to the following result: There was indeed an employee who has expressed his discontent and there is a labor conflict, but there were never an evidence for harrrassment.

Wir möchten Ihnen heute betreffend der in verschiedenen Medien erwähnten Mobbing-Vorwürfe mitteilen, dass die Abklärungen des Stiftungsrates in Zusammenarbeit mit einer auf Arbeitsrecht spezialisierten Anwältin ergeben haben, dass zwar ein Mitarbeiter seine Unzufriedenheit geäussert hat und es in diesem Zusammenhang einen Arbeitskonflikt gibt, aber keine Anhaltspunkte für Mobbing bestehen.

That’s all they’re saying.



  • Karl says:

    I think at least half of harassment claims are false. Any woman with an ax to grind can complain about harassment now.

    • Allen says:

      Clearly you have never been a victim of harassment yourself.

      • Karl says:

        Clearly you have never been falsely accused. I’ve been on both sides of this issue. I’ve been falsely accused at work in the past 10 years, and when in school I was a real victim of sexual harassment.

    • Nils Angmar says:

      Yes, well while you were grinding your axe, you may have missed that this case has nothing to do with sexual harassment or women.
      This deals with a senior Lucerne Festival (male) employee accusing the festival’s director Michael Haefliger of workplace bullying and mobbing.