Vienna Opera has transition in which 2 chiefs never meet

Vienna Opera has transition in which 2 chiefs never meet


norman lebrecht

September 17, 2019

The arrangements were clarified today.

Dominique Meyer, who takes over as Sovrintendente of La Scala on March 1, 2020, will run both Milan and Vienna in tandem for three months.

His contract at the Vienna State Opera will terminate on 30 June 2020, two months ahead of schedule.

His successor Bogdan Roščić will start work in Vienna two months earlier than intended on July 1, 2020.

Viennese swing-door solution.



  • Petros Linardos says:

    Plus ça change…
    I vividly remember how between 1980 and 1982 Lorin Maazel’s plans were announced during the two seasons before his directorship officially started, and how the Viennese nitpicked on them.

  • Hanna Nahan says:

    What you know about Vienna, Mr Norman, could be written on one of your tiny braincells…