Who’s the hotter ticket, Kaufmann or Petrenko?
mainAn interesting box-office statistic from Munich: Salome, starring Marlis Petersen and conducted by Kirill Petrenko, is heavily outselling Otello – with Jonas Kaufmann and Anja Harteros and conducted by Ádám Fischer.
Both went on sale yesterday. Each will have three performances.
This morning, there was standing-room-only left for Salome while the three Otellos are mostly unsold on the main floor.
Petrenko is a big draw. Kaufmann many have cancelled once too often.
photo: http://wanderer.blog.lemonde.fr/tag/kaufmann/
may be it is partly due to the fact that the coming season is petrenko’s last as gmd in munich while kaufmann will be a frequent visitor to the bso in munich for many (some?) years to come
Provided he doesn’t krank out frequently.
No mystery: Salome is a new production. Otello opened and ran for a number of performances during the regular season, with Petrenko conducting. And many considered the role a less than ideal fit for Kaufmann.
The less than ideal fit was Petrenko’s conducting.
Less than ideal fit ….ha ! he couldn’t fake his way
through in this as he does in most other work .
With a production like that I’d doubt any tenor would be an ideal fit!!!!
With a production like that I’d doubt any tenor would be an ideal fit!!!!
I have seen both of Kaufmann’s Otellos – London and Munich. Vocally it is an excellent fit. Each interpretation offers new insights. I hope he is offered further productions that allow him to continue developing the role. No two performances are quite the same – very exciting to experience. I wish I could afford to see all of his Otellos. I am in the US.
What is the bigger draw? Otello or Salome?
You ask “Who’s the Hotter Ticket”? This guy, obviously.
Come on, many of the Salome audience (of both sexes) go for the Dance of the Seven Veils. It adds a bit of a thrill to a worthy night at the opera.
Otello ist zur Zeit des Oktoberfestes. Wer reist bei den Hotelpreisen dann wegen einer Oper nach München!
So ist es!!! Ausserdem gab es bereits 9 Otello-Vorstellungen mit Petrenko.
People are finally wising up to the narcissistic jerk.
Anyway, this has to be the best ever Dot7V (… for all you 15 year old boys out there 😉
The orchestral of the R. Strauss, beyond words, is phenomenal…I could never resist it!!
The hottest tickets will be Die Tote Stadt with Marlies Petersen (Salome too), Jonas Kaufmann (Otello too) and Petrenko (both operas…)
As has been commented: Otello had several performances during the regular season, so “everyone” will already have seen it. Salome was the new production for the Festspiele and was considered a success. Fewer got to see it, and everybody wants to see it now, whereas a repeat Otello with mainly the same cast is less attractive. The locals have already seen it, and few tourists are willing to pay Oktoberfest hotel prices to see a repeat performance from last season.
But just harteros alone is worth a go!
I’m actually going to the Oktoberfest this year, and have booked tickets for Otello as a change from the Bierkapellen in the tents. So I’ll get to see Harteros and perhaps Kaufmann.
as a footnote to nl’s post, the Bavarian opera announced today that kaufmann has cancelled his participation in the two performances of Meistersinger during the munich opera festival
Kaufmann keeps cancelling his engagements due to health problems. Too risky.