Big bang at Aldeburgh

Big bang at Aldeburgh


norman lebrecht

March 21, 2019

After decades of separate development, the Britten–Pears Foundation and Snape Maltings are about to merge, creating a single central repository of the Britten legacy.

The new organisation will be co-chaired by Snape Maltings Chair, Sir Simon Robey and Britten–Pears Foundation Chair, Sir Vernon Ellis. Roger Wright, Chief Executive of Snape Maltings, will become the Chief Executive of the Benjamin Britten Foundation and Sarah Bardwell, Chief Executive of the Britten–Pears Foundation will become the Executive Director of the Benjamin Britten Foundation.

They say: ‘It was Britten and Pears’ intention to have one foundation and by merging we will create new possibilities and opportunities to promote their legacies. Bringing together our activities allows us
to expand the creative campus across both sites and to move forwards as a unified organisation which will continue to champion the heritage and archive at The Red House and to support performance and talent development at Snape Maltings.’



  • Garry Humphreys says:

    It makes sense, but it’s a shame that Peter Pears’s name has been lost in the new title.