Young maestro wants to be a ballet dancer
mainAskonasHolt have signed Marc Leroy-Calatayud, assistant conductor at Bordeaux, for general management.
Apparently, he’s a secret ballet freak:
‘The first time I entered the ballet studio in Bordeaux it was really a shock: it’s a very different universe with different words, different ways of working and different mentalities too. It was also a time when I didn’t really like the posture I had when I was conducting: I was very tense with very high shoulders. So I thought this would be a good way of learning a lot of things about ballet and how you should conduct it, and also improving my posture. I have private lessons very early in the morning when the studio is free. I really love it!’
Looks like it could be his usp.
Last I checked, being a balletomane doesn’t make one a freak.
I’m not sure freak here is to be taken pejoratively. However, he never stated he wanted to became a ballet dancer. The title as with many over here, is misleading.
To become*
Calling someone a “________ freak” is a common usage that simply means “enthusiast,” or, maybe, “really enthusiastic enthusiast.” He’s not calling him an actual freak.
Very few dancers are actually balletomanes. They are often not that interested in what other companies and other dancers are up to.
what is “usp?”
“Unique Selling Proposition” I’m guessing.
‘Until Something Pops’
I don’t read anything that indicates he wants to be a dancer. Besides indulging whatever love he might have for ballet, he’s using its physical discipline as a means relaxing tension in his upper body. A lot of conductors have done the same thing using Alexander technique, yoga, etc.
Clearly some people posting comments don’t understand the use of the word “freak” in this context. As for interpreting the headline literally, relax, get over it and appreciate its only a journalist’s way of grabbing your attention.
Just as long as he “mans up” when he gets in front of the orchestra.