New York Phil changes its public face

New York Phil changes its public face


norman lebrecht

December 06, 2018

Katherine Johnson is leaving the orchestra after ten years in charge of communications.

(UPDATE: I have modified the following comment:)

She was a loyal servant of the last regime at the New York Phil, keeping the lid on its errors.

Her former boss Eric Latzy posts:

Katherine Johnson saved the day! Katherine walked into the communications department of the New York Philharmonic on an early January day in 2008, six weeks before the orchestra’s historic journey to North Korea, picked up a hefty portfolio of issues at a critical moment, and hit the ground running. What would we have done without you? That’s a metaphor for an amazing decade of service to the Phil – done with spirit, sparkle and style. Now, it’s time for new family and professional horizons – looking forward to seeing your next chapter unfold!


  • Jonathan Dunsby says:

    The N. Korea tour was a joke. Party officials stuffing the hall to hear Maazel lead light classics. At least Svi. Richter when touring tiny towns in Siberia wanted to get the people to hear.

  • Ezra Banyan says:

    Do you just enjoy being rude?

  • john says:

    If he has had personal contact with her, and you have not…Or have you?

  • Joanna Melmann says:

    I found her rude and surly at best. Glad she’ll be gone.

  • I always found Katherine very pleasant to work with.

    Russell Platt
    The New Yorker (2000-2018)
    Vanderbilt University

  • Vaquero357 says:

    “She was a loyal servant of the last regime at the New York Phil, keeping the lid on its errors.”

    Isn’t that pretty much the definition of what a PR guy/gal is supposed to do for an organization?

  • Robert Groen says:

    You can’t please all the people all the time….