World’s top trumpet is a woman
mainGermany’s highly coveted ARD competition in trumpet was won by Selina Jasmin Ott, 20, from Austria. She is the first ever female winner.
Other ARD winners:
Diyang Mei (24) from China won the viola contest.
The Aoi Trio from Japan won the piano trio award.
And, as previously reported, a Russian mezzo won the singing contest.
Congratulations Selina!
Some evidence:
Better yet, you can watch her performance at the competition itself.
Each year, the Bayerischer Rundfunk posts videos of the ongoing competition, mostly consisting of competitors’ performances in the 2nd, Semifinal and Final Rounds.
This years competition:
…*This year‘s competition…
Awesome, thank you!
Haven’t we got beyond the point where we need to comment on the gender of players? There are enough top level female trumpeters around. It’s not news.
Well done to her, obviously.
Lebrecht is Jewish and most likely gay. He has every intention of milking the diversity game for everything it will bring to him, which is attention to himself, and keeping up the effort on unending Jewish propaganda goals.
Whoa Y-boy! Calm down! I agree that the headline over this particular post is unwise and off the mark. As I said elsewhere, music is not a competitive sport. Also, there are other very accomplished female brass players around and coming first in a contest organized by a German broadcaster does not make you the best in the world, if there can be such a thing in art or music. But to me that’s no reason to hit Lebrecht below the belt with references to his Jewishness and his (presumed) sexual proclivities. There is an undercurrent of nastiness in your comment that I don’t much like, however right you may be about the actual subject of this post. This is a chat forum for music lovers, not Twitter.
I’m annoyed at his recurring slights against white males. This is tied to his strong “diversity” agenda which goes overboard enough to be deemed prejudice in itself. I was pointing out two likely factors why he would be pushing this so ludicrously in a supposed news site. It is not a news site. It is full of far left bias and lacks journalistic integrity. And yes, I went overboard.
My apologies to all. I didn’t make my case well and have been highly annoyed with this site.
No problem, Y. The Lord loves a repentant sinner 🙂 It wasn’t that I didn’t agree with you. It was the form, not the substance. Don’t get too annoyed with this site. We could all have a lot of fun.
Reading the headline, for a moment I thought perhaps Susan Slaughter was still alive …
Good for her, but of what possible relevance is her gender?
How dumb. Winning one competition hardly means a darn thing beyond that competition alone. Maybe Lebrecht is secretly a woman? A tranny?
Don’t you start, Luigi! 🙂
There are some wildly irresponsible presumptions above.
Fact: Norman Lebrecht has been married since the 1970s and has three children.
Well, there you are, then.
Indeed, he is not La Cieca.
I’m a trumpet player. I read with interest of her achievement but sorry to find the same vitriol and shortsighted ignorance in the comment section. I suspect many failed trumpet players as trolls and many failures in all walks of life to turn this forum into a mud-slinging, politically motivated son-of-twitter. If people could only recognize excellence in others instead of focusing on their nasty skewed prejudices spawned by their own lack of talent and failure……
Couldn’t agree more. I lost my embouchure long ago.