Breaking: Noseda takes third job

Breaking: Noseda takes third job


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2018

Gianandrea Noseda, already music director of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington DC and incoming chief at Zurich Opera, is about to be announced as music director of the Tsinandali Festival and the Pan-Caucasian Youth Orchestra in the village of Tsinandali, Georgia.

Noseda says: ‘The belief that music carries the power to unite all human beings, regardless of their provenance, political and religious convictions and social status it has always guided my choices. I have therefore accepted with great enthusiasm the invitation to become music director of the Tsinandali Festival with the idea to form a new generation of music talents selected in the Caucasus region to create the Pan-Caucasian Youth Orchestra: through the passion, the engagement and the sharing of common values that the young will dedicate to reach a high level of quality and art, I am convinced we can – all together – influence the development of a better society based on respect, tolerance, and admission.’

The festival is being launched at Verbier and will be guided by the Verbier Festival founders, Avi Shoshani, and Martin Engstroem, which may raise some eyebrows. The PR guff says $100 million is being spent.

Shoshani, outgoing head of the Israel Phil, says: ‘Myself and my partner in the Verbier Festival, Martin Engstroem are ready to share decades of our lifetime experience in music world with Tsinandali Festival and support its visionary founder, George Ramishvili who has dedicated years and substantial funds to change young people’s lives for better by transforming the historic Tsinandali Estate into a global destination of peace, educational and cultural center of the Caucasus where the Pan-Caucasian Youth Orchestra will flourish for years to come and the language of music will be the guiding principle of humanity for everyone visiting Tsinandali. I’m humbled to say that in the last 25 years Verbier Festival made its meaningful contribution to the development of classical music industry by acting as a highly viable platform for the young talent to interact with some of the today’s stars which allows young musicians to learn from the best and for the brightest classical music stars to have an opportunity to share their lifetime experience with the youth, first hand.’


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