The music Youtube thinks I love best
mainI glanced down the right-hand sound of the screen and found that these are some of my top pre-selects.
I must be more eclectic than I imagined.
Even stranger than I feared.
I glanced down the right-hand sound of the screen and found that these are some of my top pre-selects.
I must be more eclectic than I imagined.
Even stranger than I feared.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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God just imagine being stuck on a desert island with that lot!
It’s like predictive texting the machine “guesses” on your behalf.
Shira Choir?
You should have heard them before!
It’s just not the same!
I don’t care how “pretty” Jossy Hymenoffsky sings…
—-NO PERSON can replace the unimpeachable gifts and unquantifiable talents that G-d has bestowed upon the one, the only——-
The great—
Menachem MENDEL “Shecky Boom Boom” Stern.
Who btw is Isaac Stern’s Uncle Rubin’s third cousin on the Olyck Shtetl side of his family.
Thank you for Jaques Brel in perfect Flemish !
In Flanders we speak Dutch and not Flemish. Flemish is the Dutch dialect only spoken in the ancient county of Flanders, between Duinkerke in France and Breskens in The Netherlands. Nowadays Flanders consists of the duchy of Brabant (Antwerp- Brussels), the county of Flanders and part of the prince-bishopric of Liège; in short the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. But it is somewhat strange NLprefers the Dutch translation instead of the original Le plat pays (also a hommage to Flanders)
I think you should explore this by a 13 year old young man, one which I regularly listen to and still be amazed at the musicianship