Vienna quavers over suspended Philharmonic player

Vienna quavers over suspended Philharmonic player


norman lebrecht

April 24, 2018

A Vienna tabloid newspaper today named the instrument of a musician who has been suspended by the Staatsoper and the Philharmonic for misconduct., which broke the story, has undertaken along with other media not to publish any information that might disclose the man’s identity until the Staatsoper and the Philharmonic have completed their internal investigation.

The inquiry was triggered by the man’s dismissal last week from his position as lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts (mdw). The university’s rector Ulrike Sych said in a statement yesterday that the man’s actions had violated ‘human dignity and rights’ and his removal was ‘not negotiable’.



  • Anon says:

    Shouldn’t it be quivers not quavers?

  • william osborne says:

    As more women become the Rektorin (Dean) of German-speaking conservatories, we are seeing higher professional standards in the treatment of women students. The Rektorin of the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna, Ulrike Sych, has made very clear her goals for the equal treatment of women students. The sexual misbehavior of music profoessors has long been a serious problem around the world. It is good to see changes being made in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

  • william osborne says:

    An article (in German) that describes the changes regarding sexual harassment taking place in German-speaking conservatories.

    One section says they want to avoid American standards that are described as excessive and that “cramp” teaching. The comment is made without concrete examples that show excessive norms. The changes being made in the German-speaking world are almost identical to what has been evolving in the States. It’s just the usual sort of polemic made when professors are held to higher professional standards regarding women.

    • Sue says:

      Well, in Australia, a university study found that amongst students ‘sexual harassment’ level were very high. Trouble is, that incorporated all forms of unwanted attention on a sliding scale which included “staring”. Oh dear, Snowflake Express; “All aboard”!!
      Zug fährt ab.

      • william osborne says:

        The problem cannot be discounted because there are varying degrees of severity. The responses, if any, are also gauged accordingly. I don’t know any place where minor misdeeds are notably punished, if at all, and I doubt anyone here can give documented examples.

  • U.P. says:

    I’ve done some investigation. It seems obvious, who is concerned.
    Hard to believe…
    By the way, we should not forget, that young men can be victims of that sort of “misconduct” as well…

  • U.P. says:

    Strange – what happened to my comment?
    Well – again. I’ve done some investigation and it seems obvious, who’s concerned.
    Hard to believe…
    And: Never forget, that young men can be victims of that sort of “misconduct” as well.