US tenor cancels entire Munich run

US tenor cancels entire Munich run


norman lebrecht

March 19, 2018

Bryan Hymel is out of Munich’s Vespers after losing his voice on opening night.

He says: ‘It is with heavy heart that I have had to withdraw from the Bayerische Staatsoper’s production of Les Vêpres Siciliennes. This is a role which I love and have lived with for the past 4 years. Our team has worked so hard to tell this story and it pained me to not be able to show the audience what we had created. This is why I insisted on singing the premier even though I was not fully recovered. The first half of my season has seen 37 performances and in order to continue on that same trajectory, I need to give my self sufficient time to heal.

‘I send my sincerest thanks to all my wonderful colleagues and everyone at the theater for their support and understanding! Apologies to all who hoped to see me sing this role in the following weeks and I cannot wait for the reprise of this production during the summer festival.’



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