A musical rival for Macron and Putin

A musical rival for Macron and Putin


norman lebrecht

March 25, 2018

This is the Swiss president, Alain Berset.

He plays a mean blues.


Emmanuel Macron no longer lets himself be filmed playing in public. Vladimir Putin cannot resist.

Can one trust a politician who plays the piano?


  • Alexander says:

    beware of presidents playing piano or what ? 😉

  • Sharon Beth Long says:

    Remember President Clinton on the sax? Didn’t he play it on Saturday Night Live?

  • John Borstlap says:

    Emperor Nero played the lyre while Rome was burning, Stalin restricted himself to intently listening to records of Mozart piano concertos. The mind boggles.

  • The Voice from America says:

    Putin the Great may not blow ’em out of the concert hall with his two-fingered piano playing, but here’s his real secret talent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV4IjHz2yIo

    After hearing this, we might want to consider a new name for the dear leader: *Rasp*Putin.

  • buxtehude says:

    Helmut Schmidt, once Chancellor of W Germany:


  • Robert H Wilkins says:

    Harry Truman played the piano.

  • Sue says:

    ABSOLUTELY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gaffney Feskoe says:

    Prime minister Edward Heath conducted.