James Levine’s home town finds an unexpected replacement

James Levine’s home town finds an unexpected replacement


norman lebrecht

February 01, 2018

The disgraced ex-Met chief was supposed to conduct Verd’s Requiem at Cincinnati’s May festival.

Here’s who they have booked instead.

The Korean conductor Eun Sun Kim is just starting to make her mark with US opera houses.


  • Another Hasbeen says:

    Excellent news. She’s a significant talent.

  • doasianscount says:

    Does it count that she’s a woman if she’s asian?

  • harold braun says:

    Couldn´t they find at least someone of comparable status,if they sack him at all?It was planned as a historic return of a historic figure in his hometown,not as a debut of someone unknown.Most famous conductors have Verdi Requiem under their belt.

    • Hermann Lederer says:

      Excuse me – but which “famous conductor2 do you think is free in February for May?
      And which “famous conductor” would like to replace James Levine in Cincinnati at the moment? Ms. Kim is – at least in Europe – since approximately five years a hot tip among younger conductors whatever gender. She is already a regular guest in major opera houses like Munich, Berlin, Dresden and and and… Very successful not only with audiences and press but also with the musicians – as far as I heard. Cincinnati did probably made the best choice the could get.

    • Winger says:

      lol @ “comparable status”

    • Mark says:

      Well, I am sure she was endorsed by the PC brigade – a woman ! An Asian !
      Just spoke to a friend who works in a European opera house where she conducted – the woman is competent, nothing more.
      She can be a substitute for Levine like a midget can play for the Knicks …

      • Stanley M says:

        Yes, the word of one friend says it all. Musicians of August institutions such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra have held opposed opinions of conductors: some claiming so and so is incompetent, with others claiming the very same conductor a genius.

      • Saxon Broken says:

        Competent is surely what is wanted.