NY City Ballet chief ‘vehemently’ denies allegations

NY City Ballet chief ‘vehemently’ denies allegations


norman lebrecht

December 09, 2017

Peter Martins, artistic director of New York City Ballet has gone on leave of his own accord while the company looks into two anonymous allegations of sexual harassment that have been published by the NY Times and Washington Post. Here’s the restrained statement he sent internally to the company’s musicians:

For the Orchestra:

I know you are all aware that an anonymous letter sent to the School of American Ballet resulted in an independent investigation, and an article in the New York Times.  An article in the Washington Post has just appeared on line, and will be in the paper tomorrow, with a further allegation against me.  I have vehemently denied this allegation, but I am painfully aware that all of this negative publicity is taking a toll on each of you.   And because of my great respect for you, and for the two exceptional institutions it has been my pleasure to serve for more than 47 years, I have asked for, and been granted, permission by the Boards of the Company and the School to take a temporary leave of absence until the investigation is completed, and a stable environment can be restored.  My priority is to do what is best for the Company and the School, and I very much hope you will understand.   Please know that my pride and appreciation for all you do remains undiminished, and you will be constantly in my thoughts and in my heart.  Darci and I send our love to you all.



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