My new job starts in five years time

My new job starts in five years time


norman lebrecht

December 23, 2017

The Norwegian director Stefan Herheim has been named Intendant of the Theaters an der Wien.

He starts work in the second half of 2022.



press release:

Johannes Neubert, Intendant der Wiener Symphoniker, kommentiert: „Stefan Herheim gehört zu den kreativsten Köpfen des internationalen Opernbetriebs. Sein tiefes musikalisches Verständnis bürgt für eine wirkliche Einheit von Musik und Bühne. Es ist eine großartige Nachricht, dass Herheim nun eine feste Wirkungsstätte in Wien finden und hier kontinuierlich gestalten wird. Die Wiener Symphoniker freuen sich auf viele spannende Projekte und eine intensive Partnerschaft!“

Die Wiener Symphoniker arbeiteten erfolgreich mit Stefan Herheim bei dessen Inszenierung von Jacques Offenbachs Hoffmanns Erzählungen bei den Bregenzer Festspielen 2015 zusammen. Bereits seit 2006 treten sie regelmäßig als Opernorchester bei Produktionen des Theaters an der Wien in Erscheinung. Hochgebelobt war ihr Mitwirken unter Leo Hussain an Robert Carsens Neuproduktion von Alban Bergs Wozzeck. Ab 15. April 2018 spielen sie unter Antonello Manacordas Dirigat Benjamin Brittens Klassiker A Midsummer Night’s Dream.


  • Theodore McGuiver says:

    What’s ridiculous about giving him a few years to assemble his own team and projects? At least he won’t waste half his term of office babysitting other peoples’ productions.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Five years are a sign of great optimism. Within that time span he may get ill or/and die, or there may be a financial disaster at the theatres in Vienna, or there may be war in Europe, a Russian invasion or a N-Korean nuclear blackmailing, another economic crisis and/or wave of war refugees, the EU disintegrating with travel bans across Europe, a rightwing revolution in Skandinavia, etc. etc. Chapeau for the hopeful Viennese.

    • Been Here Before says:

      I think that Mahler said something along the lines “If there is the end of the world, I would like to be in Vienna. Everything happens there 50 years later.” Perhaps this explains the peculiar timing.

  • Guillaume says:

    Yes, 5 years is too long for those that appreciate S.Herheim.And it is too short if he stays only 1 year ! But I can tell you – since I am living in Wien – that a lot of people are very glad.
    The opera of Wien have the best singers and orchestra but… modern regie !!.It is like a museum !

    • David R Osborne says:

      Do, once you have him, try to hang on to him. Maybe you could get a bulk discount if we throw in Barrie Kosky?

    • Stefan Treddel says:

      You must be talking about the Staatsoper in Wien and not about Theater an der Wien where Herheim will be taking over. There is course modern Regie. Whatever this should mean…

  • Tom Phillips says:

    Even worse that singers schedules are planned this far in advance. Often no longer vocally suitable for the scheduled role (or ANY role) once the date arrives.