Why Simon Rattle’s hall is the last thing London needs

Why Simon Rattle’s hall is the last thing London needs


norman lebrecht

October 27, 2017

I have written a Heckler’s column in this week’s Spectator arguing the case against the concert hall that Simon Rattle and the LSO are trying to shout into existence.


Concert hall, what concert hall? The only cash on the table is £2.5 million from the Corporation of the City of London. The hall is hot air. There has been no public consultation, no actuarial study of demographic need, no consideration of best possible sites or size. There is not even a consensus within the classical sector that a new hall is a top priority when audiences consistently fail to fill the Barbican and Royal Festival Hall. As for the proposed location, it’s a concrete bunker abandoned by the Museum of London because not enough people want to go there. Or ever will.

Blithely dismissing these facts, the LSO has signed up a shprauntzy New York firm to create what Sir Simon Rattle calls ‘an exceptional new place for the enjoyment and understanding of music that is welcoming and open to all’. Unlike today’s facilities, which are a deterrent and shut….

Read on here.

UPDATE: Munich pulls back on new concert hall


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