Mozarteum rushes in yet another Rector

Mozarteum rushes in yet another Rector


norman lebrecht

July 25, 2017

The swing doors are working overtime in Salzburg.

Two weeks after the abrupt departure of the last rector, who didn’t even bother to start work, they have appointed the head of the Trossingen Hochschule to fill the empty seat.

Elisabeth Gutjahr, 56, has been in charge at Trossingen for ten years.

Do not ask her where Trossingen is. In 2013 she sued another conservatory chief for suggesting it might be a tad… provincial.



  • Nik says:

    Did she sue Nolte or just threaten to sue him?

  • zabki says:

    Trossingen has 15000 inhabitants and three Concert halls (from the town, from University of Music, from Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendbildung.)
    It has two music librarys with in all 120 000 books, sheet music and cds

  • Debra Kadabra says:

    “Trossingen” was so out of the way that they later had to add in the “r” after the initial letter.

  • Anon says:

    Trossingen? Salzburg? Never heard of it. Anyone?