American replaces Daniel Harding at LSO

American replaces Daniel Harding at LSO


norman lebrecht

June 17, 2017

A last-minute LSO search for a Mahler 3 conductor on June 25 to replace Harding, who has hurt his wrist, has yielded Robert Trevino, 33, an American who is music director with the Basque Symphony Orchestra.


  • Niccolo says:

    Couldn’t do better – good for the LSO in taking a rising star! Heard his Mahler in Milan; a real maestro in the making.

  • Joakim says:

    He was fired from Cav/Pag in Oslo after multiple disastrous rehearsals.

  • Niccolo says:

    If that’s the Opera rather than the Philharmonic then an hilarious claim for a house that’s perpetually imploding, rife with political intrigue, and can’t hold on to staff including their much-lauded MD and GM for more than ten minutes. God knows what Trevino was doing there in first place.

  • C. says:

    Looking forward to hearing this performance in London next week. His concert with CBSO and Stephen Hough last March was phenomenal.