German soprano calls an abrupt end to her career

German soprano calls an abrupt end to her career


norman lebrecht

May 11, 2017

The German soprano Sonja Gornik has made the following announcement:

Am 03.Mai 2017 habe ich meine Bühnenkarriere auf der Opernbühne beendet. 

Ich danke von Herzen all den großartigen Menschen, die mich auf meinem Weg begleitet haben und meinem wunderbaren Publikum!

Which translates as: On May 3, 2017, I ended my stage career on the opera stage. I offer wholehearted thanks to all the outstanding people who have accompanied me along the way, and to my wonderful audience!


Sonja was a member of the Hessian state theatre at Wiesbaden, where she has recently been singing Tosca, Madam Butterfly and Brünnhilde. She gives no reason for her retirement and leaves in the middle of a run of Siegfried.


  • Albert Horne says:

    What an absolute shame. Sonja is a wonderful singer and colleague. I conducted her Madama Butterfly here in Wiesbaden last season, and it was a complete joy from beginning to end. One of the most moving Cio-Cio Sans I have ever experienced. Pity, but I’m sure she has a very good reason fir such a drastic decision. I wish her well with any of her future endeavours!!!

  • SilverFox says:

    That comes as a surprise. I just happened to see hear as Brünnhilde in Wiesbaden, where she a light-weighted, but remarkable performance. I am wondering: You don’t debut as Brünnhilde and then retire immediately afterwards. There must be other reasons i assume..

  • Florian says:

    On its webpage, the Hessian state theatre cites health reasons for her retirement.