Just in: Munich academy sex-pest gets off lightly

Just in: Munich academy sex-pest gets off lightly


norman lebrecht

April 26, 2017

The former rector of the Munich Hochschule and Salzburg Mozarteum, the pianist Siegfried Mauser, has received a reduced sentence on appeal.

Previously given 15 months on probation, this was reduced today to nine months.

Mauser, 62, was convicted of sexually molesting two female colleagues.

Court reports here and here.

Two caveats:

Mauser still has to pay 20,000 Euros to his victims, as well as an estimated 200,000 in legal costs.

He is also facing charges from two more women.

It’s not over yet.


  • bratschegirl says:

    Pest? PEST? I know that British headline style requires a preponderance of punchy one-syllable words, but is it really necessary to go out of your way to choose those that minimise the seriousness of the offence?

  • Sue says:

    Just like an immigrant youth of 14 from Afghanistan who was charged of 6 sex offenses in Australia and only yesterday given a 2 year bond because he ‘comes from a different culture’.

    • Max Grimm says:

      And just last month an Australian man of 42 was charged with more than 900 child-sex offenses…..neither his case, nor the case of an immigrant youth are pertinent to this thread.