The Alan Turing opera, now with added sex
mainAn opera, The Life and Death(s) of Alan Turing, composed by Justine F. Chen with a libretto by David Simpatico, opens tomorrow in New York.
Shawn E Milnes reports:
David Simpatico, librettist for The Life and Death(s) of Alan Turing explained, “One of the things I had trouble with, the film (The Imitation Game) and the screenplay, was that it completely asexualized him. He was not a sexual creature in this movie. He was in the closet. That couldn’t be more opposite. He was completely out. He was out upon meeting people. He would say, ‘How are you doing? I’m a homosexual. Will you have a problem with that? No.’ He was out to everybody. The movie makes it feel like he had something to hide.”
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