California sends a posse (sic) to President Trump’s inauguration

California sends a posse (sic) to President Trump’s inauguration


norman lebrecht

January 13, 2017

The only group from California to participate in the presidential inauguration is…

Merced County Sheriff’s Posse – Hilmar, California.

They’re holding a fund-raiser in Merced to solicit donations. A posse rally.

Here is the updated list of inauguration performers, and decliners.

Trump that.


  • V.Lind says:

    Rumours this morning of Paul Anka, a long-time friend. If true, I apologise on behalf of all Canadians. (Not that many Canadians these days will even have heard of him — in fact has anybody heard of him in donkey’s years?).

    Allegedly he will perform a version — with new lyrics — of My Way. Seems appropriate. It was certainly nobody else’s.

  • Mikey says:

    I’m curious why Lebrecht added the editorial “sic” after the word “posse” in the article headline. Is there an error the headline is quoting?

  • Steve P says:

    Brexit. Trump. Nationalism rampant. Progressivism on its heels. Ah, these are glorious times. Keep on chirping, Norman!

  • Holly Golightly says:
