Now Philip Glass wins a literature prize

Now Philip Glass wins a literature prize


norman lebrecht

November 03, 2016

First Bob Dylan with the Nobel.

Now the minimalist composer has been presented with the 2016 Chicago Tribune Literary Prize.

What the heck’s going on?



  • V.Lind says:

    This is a specific prize for a specific year, in several categories. Glass won for his 2015 memoir (did that get noted here? Don’t recall seeing about it). Other musicians have won it similarly: Sondheim, Patti Smith. He was probably favoured in part because of his Chicago associations. Possibly because of the quality of the book, which is an interesting account of the progress of a composer over the course of most of the 20th century.

  • Greg Hlatky says:

    “It was a dark and stormy night… It was a dark and stormy night… It was a dark and stormy night… It was a dark and stormy night…”

  • Cyril Blair says:

    Well, the Chicago Tribune (editorial board) endorsed Gary Johnson for president, a man who didn’t know what Aleppo was, so that may or may not shed some insight…