San Francisco Symphony chief: Why I quit

San Francisco Symphony chief: Why I quit


norman lebrecht

September 27, 2016


Brent Assink, executive director of the San Franciso Symphony for the past 18 years, announced his resignation today. Here’s what he told his staff:

Dear members of the Administrative team,

With great gratitude and appreciation for each of you, I am writing to let you know that I have decided to resign my position at the Symphony, after 18 rewarding years as your Executive Director.

I believe change is beneficial to both individuals and organizations, and have come to the conclusion that now is the right time for this transition to take place, for me personally and for the Symphony. After much consideration, I have decided that there are a number of important career goals that I would like to explore, either in other fields or in other areas of this field. In order to provide for a smooth transition, I will remain in this position until March 31, 2017. There is much exciting work to be accomplished between now and then and many more wonderful concerts to experience.

The San Francisco Symphony is one of very few orchestras with a history of consistent leadership in all three critical functions—board, artistic and administrative. I have every confidence that this great orchestra will continue to thrive and break new ground in the years ahead because of the passion, talents, and commitment that you bring to your work day in and day out. I have considered it a real honor to get to know so many of you. It has been an incomparable joy to lead this amazing orchestra and staff through periods of growth, innovation and challenge. Jan and I look forward with great anticipation to what the future holds for us and for this wonderful organization that we have grown to care for so deeply. With great thanks for all you have done for the Symphony


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