Maestro is grounded for the rest of the year

Maestro is grounded for the rest of the year


norman lebrecht

August 09, 2016

Christoph von Dohnanyi, suffering complications after cataract surgery, has been ordered by doctors not to fly long-haul before Christmas.

As a result Christoph, 87 next month, has pulled out of Tanglewood’s closing Beethoven Ninth.

Happily, Boston’s Andris Nelsons is on hand to take over, enjoying free time after his Bayreuth walkout.

We wish Christoph a full recovery.

christoph von dohnanyi


  • Petros Linardos says:

    Had Nelsons not dropped out of Bayreuth, I wonder what his summer would have looked like, hopping between Bayreuth and Tanglewood. Wouldn’t he have stretched himself thin, musically and physically?

    • Edgar says:

      Good question, Petros. I fully agree. Better to stay put in one place and make splendid music than play god by being omnipresent and the source of mediocre performances wherever one raises the baton. Bayreuth can do without Nelsons, thanks to Hartmut Haenchen, and he can now enjoy Tanglewood and be the worthy replacement for Christoph. Grounded conductors are rare these days…;-)